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Journeys End

This is the last post of my cross country cycle adventure.  I couldn't possibly sum up what something like this means to me in one sitti...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

"That's why the snake will never bite a crook"

It's been a while, but I am currently sitting in a coffee shop in Winston Salem catching up on everything: 

I left twin lakes state park last Wednesday and found a host in Danville to stay with. That meant a 96 mile day to get there.

Google maps gives good bike routes but sometimes can put you down sketchy country roads

I rode hard that day. A warm meal and bed to sleep kept me going. 

This is Downtown South Boston

I thought that I could take the tobacco heritage trail along the Dan river all the way west to Danville, but google led me astray once again!

So at 5pm I had to backtrack 3 miles and take busy highway 58 for over 30 miles. Look at those hills in the distance

I made it to My warmshowers host right after dark and was greeted with one of the greatest dinner ideas of all time. A taco ring. Delicious. 

My host Karen was awesome. She let me stay in her guest bedroom for two nights, fed me and helped me get around Danville. Karen also did a fundraiser ride from the Canadian Border to New Orleans. Check it out! http://karenridesbordertobayou.blogspot.com/?m=1

My knees were killing me the day after the ride. Robbie, from his shop called the Bike medic.
helped me adjust a few things and hooked me up with some gear and t shirt! Thanks guys.

Karen and her friend Tyler also took me to the Danville fair!  They have pig races too

I left after 2 nights. Karen rode with me on my way to NC on her way to work. Thanks for everything. 

Riding out Friday was all about the rain. Found myself hanging out under bridges for a while

And more bridges...

Even walked up to a random house to ask if I could hang out on the porch. Roger was awesome. He loves canoeing and told me a lot of stories. He hates lawyers, he says they are all crooks, thats why a snake will never buts a lawyer. Real nice guy though. 

Then I crossed my first mother truckin state line. BOOOM! (More to come)
I made my way up the mountain to hanging rock state park. Most of the day and night was cloudy and rainy.  Saw a lot of cool country stores that you would never see in Richmond anymore. 

Rainy morning...

Making my was toward Winston Salem I ran into Pat and Mack.  Pat is a national champion runner and cyclist and Mack is a big whitewater kayaker. They showed me some awesome (and safer) back roads to take into the city. 

It was great to ride with someone

The rain and being wet all the time makes me lonely and homesick. But tomorrow is a new day. The mountain hills are killing me knees and wearing me down.  But in 2 weeks I will hopefully be stronger. 

Slow and steady says the dog. (Ben)

"Learn from yesterday-live for today and hope for tomorrow". 

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